All aboard the cuckoo train!

I must unfortunately report that I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. I need to lean into hobbies that are less screen based because my eyes are starting to get weary with all of this blue light. I think I’m going to focus on painting and drawing.

  • I’ve been in a clean out phase in many aspects of my life which has been lovely. When I first got home, I did a massive clothing and room junk cleanout and I swear my room feels physically lighter. I’ve cleaned out makeup I don’t use, jewelry I don’t wear, my Instagram and Tiktok following and my camera roll. I’ve also started going through all the Spotify playlists I have saved because I’ll add them from Tiktok and then never listen to them, so I’ve been discovering new music which has been fun. I need to tackle cleaning out my laptop desktop but that will be burdensome so I’m procrastinating.

  • I just learned about nuit blanche, which stands for sleepless nights, and is an art-focused night in Paris where everything in museums, galleries, concerts, clubs etc. happen until as late as 6am. This year it was June 1st, and there were special art installations around the city. As if I needed another reason to be sad about not being in Paris…

  • My skin, specifically my forehead and the perimeter of my cheeks, has been breaking out badly since early April. I initially attributed it to weird hormones, but I thought by now it would have balanced out. Maybe it’s from career stress? Unsure, but I can’t see my dermatologist until her earliest availability in August, so I think I’m going to have to turn to home remedies. Not sure how successful it will be but I’m getting desperate.

  • I flipped through the Charles Jeffrey Loverboy show on Vogue for Spring/Summer 2025. I also wanted to see the Di Petsa show but I couldn't find it anywhere. Reminder that the Vogue app shows you every show from fashion week unless they’re a really tiny brand- utilize it!
    Charles Jeffrey Loverboy- I love the use of typical pinstripe and plaid business motifs being utilized in unconventional ways. Look 3 I would wear. Look 6 reminds me of that sleepy guy meme. I’m not a fan of the mixed stripes looks but that’s because I have a tempestuous relationship with stripes. Also, glad to see that designers agree with polka dots being back in full force- look 32 confirms it. Look 39 is sick, a fun twist on the oversized, boxy suit. I like this collection a lot!

  • Amongst other articles I read last week, I read this absolutely terrifying article about criminals weaponizing AI to impersonate your loved ones and scam you for money. No other thoughts other than this is so so scary.

  • Maybe it’s because I was semi-recently on flights with screaming children or somehow distraught mom’s keep popping up on my Tiktok page, but I’m in an aggressive anti-kids phase. Not just for myself- I think no one should be having kids right now. Not to be grim but our “democracy” is disintegrating, we are quickly killing the planet, and therefore ourselves, and children deserve more than what we have to offer them. I think there should be an annual raffle- everyone who wants to have kids enters and then only 100 people get to. Unless you’re Sydney West. Sydney, if you’re reading this, I must see you become a mother in my lifetime- you are the exception to the raffle. Everyone else, pick a number and cross your fingers!


WIWTS (What I’m wearing this summer)


Weekly R.E.P.O.R.T 6/10