May reflection & June goals

Last year, I implemented monthly goals instead of annual goals because they felt a little more manageable. I feel like the smaller time frames help keep me focused and motivated so I’m doing it again this year! My May goals were to read for 20 minutes a day and listen to one podcast a week. In full honesty, the first two weeks of the month I did not come close to hitting either of those goals, because it was the last few weeks of the semester so classes were insane and then a graduation/senior week/end of year palooza of sorts. Giving myself grace. The back half of the month was a lot more successful with the weekly podcast, but I still struggled with the reading goal. I think it’s because the book I’m reading is in a bit of a lull and I’m finding it hard to push through so I'm working at a bit of a slower pace.

One of my June goals is to watch three fashion shows a week. I usually try to keep up with Milan, London and Paris but it gets overwhelming pretty easily so I think this will help me dial in to the brands I care about and ignore the noise. The second June goal is no red meat. I did this goal last year, in October I believe, and was successful except for two meals. One was a genuine accident and the second was intentional when I was trying Persian food in Chicago and couldn’t pass up on the traditional lamb dishes. I already eat plant-based regularly but with no red meat at all, it forces me to get creative with plant-based recipes (i.e. lots of beans), especially as a tofu hater. Wish me luck!


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